Good Dog, Better Man
How your pet can improve your morals.
By Jon Katz

That odor may not be a skunk, but the smell will drive you nuts just the same.
Try this:
1 liter of medicinal Hydrogen Peroxide [available at any pharmacy/drugstore.
1/4 cup Baking Soda
1/8 cup of dishwasher detergent.
If using on carpet you can let it dry then vacuum it out.
A plus? It is non-toxic and the price is right!
Tip contributor: Anne Dixon-Zborowski of Sineade Kennel in Toronto
Rainbow Bridge Poem Honoring Departed Pets
Setting up for your first havanese puppy.  Below are some ideas that our members have had and used. Take the best and leave the rest
A single unit puppy pen can be a nice alternative and is pretty portable for traveling. It comes with a pan that we line with newspaper or newsprint to catch waste making clean up easier.
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