Right after a discussion on health issues, almost always the discussion turns to Havanese Nutrition and health. Some argue for a totally more natural approach and others go the commercial food route.
Many Thanks to  Barbara and Michele Johannes for pointing us to this article:
What's in your dog food?


1 cup corn meal
1 cup (or less) flour-whole wheat or rye,or any whole grain
1 egg
1 lb of liver-chicken, beef (which is drier) or other
Garlic powder (optional)

Blend liver in food processor until smooth, add egg, blend briefly. Add to dry ingredients and mix well. Add garlic powder if desired (mine like it either way) and mix.
It will be the consistancy of wet cement. Spread it as thin as possible on a cookie sheet covered with tinfoil and sprayed with Pam. Cook at 350 until dry, about 45 minutes. Turn over on a cutting board, remove tinfoil and cut into pieces. REFRIGERATE, or freeze. They keep in the refrigerator about two weeks and freeze well. There are no preservatives so they will get mouldy if you keep them out of the refrigerator for more than a day or two.

Mary Cane's "Cowboy" knows what's good!
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